Residential Living
The Residential Habilitation and Supported Living Programs offered at Sertoma Center provide a wide range of living experiences for the people that we serve. The people in these programs choose where they live from a variety of options presented to them. The homes are beautifully decorated throughout, and are accessible where needed. In the Residential Habilitation Program residents are free to decorate their private bedrooms anyway they choose, and they have some input in decorating common areas throughout the home. The agency is responsible for providing furnishings for all common areas. On the other hand, in the Supported Living program, the residents are totally responsible for furnishing and decorating their homes as they choose.
The homes in our Residential and Supported Living Programs are single-family homes or apartments located throughout Knox County in beautiful suburban communities. Shopping, community centers, parks, libraries, and many other points of interest are just minutes away from each home.
People participating in our Residential and Supported Living programs are supported by staff that are there to foster their independence, assist them in maintaining a safe and healthy lifestyle, and ensuring that they live lives that are meaningful in accordance with their desires.
People living in our Residential and Supported Living Programs are supported and encouraged to be a part of their wider community. This involves volunteering; maintaining jobs in various sectors; accessing services in the community such as beauty salons, barbers, dining out, grocer and personal shopping at various stores, maintaining healthcare providers of their choice; accessing the YMCA and other gyms; going on annual vacations of their choice; participating in various camps; going to the movies; going to the church of their choice; visiting with friends and family; etc. In everything that Sertoma does inclusion is our goal for the people we serve. They are truly a part of their communities.